Thursday, August 1, 2013

We, on the earth for purpose.(Death is certain but when and where it will occur is uncertain).

                                    We, on the earth for purpose.

The day when we were born is the day the world rejoices upon us. Our parents were extremely happy for us for being born in their hand. If world rejoices upon you coming on the world on the first day, you should be wise enough to let the world rejoices upon you at last day, when you are departing from this wonderful world permanently. Happiness parent when you were born should also be happy when you leave this world permanently.

The world rejoice on you when you were born because world knows, you can do many remarkable tasks that benefit the world, when you are on the earth. World expect more from you. The single man coming on world is expectation of new changes for the world. The longer you stay on world are more reliable changes that last for longer duration that the world expects.

On the other hand, your parents are always happy with you. They are happy owing to you becoming more capable day by day and year by year. Your excellence in your field all together makes your parents happier than ever. As world expects you to be more meaningful man on this world, the parents too has same expectation. In spite of you being more meaningful person on this world your parent want you to be a happier man on the earth. The way your parent expects signifies that they care you more than what they can do it for you. They care you because they want you to be successful person.

The purpose of we on the earth is to make a life meaningful. To realize the meaning of life, we should have patient in listening and following the merit footprint of experts and parents. The valuable advices from elders including your parents are the key to excel your life in making it meaningful. More important I consider in my life than above all as a believer of Buddha teaching is the way you believe and having faith in birth after death. One having believed in birth after death will feel guilty of doing untidy task in your life. Having trust on what experts of Buddha teaching state “every animals on world are once our parent” and doing merit task will realize your parents dream. The only source that we can repay our thanking parent is having faith in Buddha teaching. To let the all sentient being of six realms to be happy let us have faith and believe in dharma and practice it. 

Your dream of life should be pursuing but never forget that we are given a day that we should left this world. The wealth you gathered, beauty you may be, and popular you are will appears nothing to any one when one go to sleep permanently. The wealth has no capability of rescuing you by giving wealth to other and same with your fame. The only help we will have, only if we did our deed pure, have kind mind to everyone with justice and practice dharma when we are living on the world.  It’s always good if we can remember Guru Rinpoche once a day and recite ba zar gu ru (om a hung ba zar guru pad ma se de hung) 100 times.

Death is certain but when and where it will occur is uncertain.
Guru Rinpoche la na mo.


  1. everyone is inside the circle of death, meaning no one can escape from death. The only solution, we are having is do meaningful deeds on stay on this life.
